Add report for WO still open. I think on the WO lists section on reports and stats
Rui Alves
This is done and will be available on 2.1.6
This post was marked as
Rui Alves
in progress
Rui Alves
Rui Alves
Hi. thank you. A table that lists all currently open work orders among those that were created during the time period the report refers to. Is that it? I think this is useful. We should have done this already!
Ben Capri
Rui Alves yes. This will be implemented? I need to provide that info on reports and currently doing it manually. Any ETA? thank you
Rui Alves
Ben Capri I can confirm this will be implemented. It will be active on v 2.1.6. scheduled to come out at the end of April. Look for 2.1.6 on your login page. FYI we will set this request as complete when the code is done and close this when all clients are upgraded to 2.1.6 thank you for the suggestion!